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Hitec Trainer Cord (Between 6 Battery Txs) Hitec Trainer Cord (Between 6 Battery Txs) Ref: RH505

Price: £4.20


Hitec HPP-22 PC Interface Programmer Hitec HPP-22 PC Interface Programmer Ref: RA201

Price: £12.95


Hitec HPP-21 PC Programmerm For Digital Servos Hitec HPP-21 PC Programmerm For Digital Servos Ref: RA0401

Price: £12.95


DC Powerplug 2.1mm (Hitec/JR) DC Powerplug 2.1mm (Hitec/JR) Ref: RA055

Price: £1.20


DC Powerplug 1.3mm Aurora / Optic 6 DC Powerplug 1.3mm Aurora / Optic 6 Ref: RA055A

Price: £1.20


Hitec Tx Aerial for Prism Hitec Tx Aerial for Prism Ref: RZ055

Price: £6.50


Sanyo Eneloop Hitec Optic 6 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery Sanyo Eneloop Hitec Optic 6 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery Ref: BS049
Sanyo Eneloop 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery - Hitec Aurora. Size 27mm x 27mm x 102mm (3x2 AA Triangular (Toberone) cells. The battery comes with a standard UNI Rx type battery plug as we have been unable to source the white Hitec plug. We suggest that the plug from the original battery is used to make an adapter lead using a short servo extension lead. If the original battery is serviceable then attach the unused end of the extension lead to it so both batteries can easily be exchanged and charged externally.

Price: £25.95


Sanyo Eneloop Hitec Aurora 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery Sanyo Eneloop Hitec Aurora 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery Ref: BS047
Sanyo Eneloop 2000mAhr 7.2v Tx Battery - Hitec Aurora. Size 15mm x 45mm x 100mm (3x2 AA cells). The battery comes with a standard UNI Rx type battery plug as we have been unable to source the white Hitec plug. We suggest that the plug from the original battery is used to make an adapter lead using a short servo extension lead. If the original battery is serviceable then attach the unused end of the extension lead to it so both batteries can easily be exchanged and charged externally.

Price: £25.95
