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On-Line Shop > Servos by Brand > Ripmax Quartz Servos
Quartz QZ102 Quartz QZ102 Ref: QZ004
A small digital metal gear micro size servo.The JX PDI-1109MG is same servo in the manufacturers box. This sent if Quartz 102 is out of stock whicch is also an alternative for the HS65HB / HS45HB.

Price: £8.95


Quartz QZ102 Quartz QZ102 Ref: QZ102A
Quantity Deal 4 or more. If out of stock the JX PDI-1109MG will be supplied. Same servo different box.

Price: £8.75


Quartz QZ204 Quartz QZ204 Ref: QZ204
Quartz QZ204

The Quartz QZ204 is a similar size and specification as the Hitec HS82MG and a very worthy substitute in that it has brass gears and a single ball race bearing. The HS82MG is plain bearing with aluminion alloy gears Wing Servo Mount SM020.

Price: £12.95


Quartz QZ204 Quartz QZ204 Ref: QZ204A
4 off Quantity Deal

The Quartz QZ204 is a similar size and specification as the Hitec HS82MG and a very worthy substitute in that it has brass gears and a single ball race bearing. The HS82MG is plain bearing with aluminion alloy gears Wing Servo Mount SM020.

Price: £12.75
