On-Line Shop
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Welcome to our On-Line Shop
Please Note!
Ordering On-Line. We have beed advised by a number of customers that when they get to the checkout a warning appears saying the site in unsafe and advising not to pursue any further. From information received from customers and our secure server provider, this would appear to be a browser problem (The browser frequently mentioned is Firefox).
Our site is PCI compliant and meets current rules/regulations and is checked monthly/annually, as is our SSL ISP.
If you experience problems please try a different browser and advise us of your difficulties. Many thanks, Stan

The site is secured with the SellerdeckSSL service which provides space on a secure server for the processing of orders from our store, an important issue when shopping on-line. Most users regard the golden padlock as the hallmark of secure online transactions
Our On-Line ShopOur On-Line Shop
As you are aware there has been a steep rise in postal charges, which on the low profit margins we operate on, we are unable to fully absorb. Royal Mail Small Packets prices have been hardest hit. Minimum charge is now £4.95 inc. VAT or £6.75 for Signed For
and £7.50 for large items, kits & radio sets. We sincerely apologise for the price increase but when you consider fuel and parking charges, mail order is still very cost effective particular when coupled with the expert advice we can provide

We have set our postage as £6.75 and will adjust as appropriate when processing the order.